• 关于本网站
  • 隐私政策
  • 招生隐私声明
  • 隐私通知


    云顶集团 本科招生办公室 is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals who apply for admission to the College. 本隐私政策概述了学院的收集,使用和披露 准学生和申请者提供的信息. 当你提交 application to us, or otherwise provide us with information in your application for admission, or use our websites and other services, you submit such information subject to our use and disclosure of that information as described in this 隐私通知.


    As part of the application process, the College collects general information from 你可以填写你的姓名、地址、电话号码和教育程度.  为此目的 隐私通知, Information refers to all other information that you have provided 到本科招生申请.

    As part of the application process, the College may also collect Sensitive Information from you.  敏感信息是揭示种族或民族的信息或数据 origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

    If you are a resident of the European Union, we will always obtain your affirmative consent to collect and use Sensitive Information, as required by the General Data 保护规定. 2016/679. http://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_en


    Goucher State’s 本科招生办公室 will use Information that you provide to us and Information we collect about you to allow you to enter into contract with 参加学院管理的项目. 你没有提供给我们 with this Information may result 在学院的 inability to allow you to attend such programs.

    In addition, we may use your Information for the legitimate purposes of analyzing and improving our admissions process, for outreach efforts, and for other College 与您作为学生入学有关的流程和功能. 我们也可能去识别 您的敏感信息用于研究或统计目的.  We may use and share your Information and Sensitive Information internally with other College 办公室和单位支持你作为一个学生的成功. 我们也会分享您的信息 and Sensitive Information with other College offices to deliver education, advising, residence, athletic, student development, financial aid, and for fundraising if you 你是这个学院的学生吗.


    We may collect credit card information from you for your application fee and enrollment deposit, which will enable you to enter into a contract with Goucher to attend the college. 当您通过互联网向我们发送信用卡信息时,我们使用工业 标准SSL(安全套接字层)加密.


    If you are applying for financial aid from the college in order to attend the college, 我们将收集您和您的父母或监护人的财务信息.  This information will be used to process your request for financial aid but will not be shared with any other office on campus, unless it is necessary for your continued 大学出勤率.  


    The College’s use of cookies and other data from information technology can be found 在学院的 Cookie声明.



    Consent. We may use and disclose your Information to third parties if we have your consent to do so.

    家长及监护人. In some cases, we may share your Information with a parent or guardian if necessary 正确完成录取程序或在紧急情况下.

    服务提供商. 我们可能会使用第三方来支持我们的运营. 在这种情况下,我们可以分享您的信息 Sensitive Information and Information with such third parties who are obligated to 防止未经授权的披露.

    学校辅导员和行政人员. We may use your Information and share it with your school counselors and administrators.

    学院附属项目. We may share your Information with third parties that are affiliated with the College for the purpose of contacting you about goods, services, or experiences that may be 你感兴趣吗?. 例如,学院的食品服务供应商, 好胃口管理公司.

    研究与研究. We may share your Information with third parties that study admissions or other topics 与高等教育相关. 我们也可能与第三方分享您的信息 that conduct research or develop products or services designed to improve admissions 以及其他高等教育职能.

    法律规定. We may share your Information and Sensitive Information with third parties to the 法律、法院命令或传票要求我们这样做的程度. 例如, college is required to report certain Information to the State of Maryland’s Higher Education Commission and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 它是美国教育部的一部分.

    紧急情况下. We may share your Information and Sensitive Information with third parties if, in our sole judgment, such disclosure is necessary to protect the health, safety, or 任何人的财产.

    去识别和聚合信息. We may collect, use and disclose Sensitive Information or other Information about 我们的申请人以去识别或汇总形式,但不限于此.


    You must have a secure browser—one that supports secure transmission of data across 网上申请到学院. 获取有关浏览器的更多信息 安全功能,使用浏览器的帮助功能.

    We seek to implement appropriate security measures to protect your information when 你把它传送给我们,当我们把它存储在我们的系统里. 不幸的是,没有数据 传输或存储可以保证100%的安全. 当你把信用证寄给我们时 card information over the Internet, we use industry standard SSL (secure socket layer) encryption. 您的云顶集团程序帐户密码受到保护,因此只有您可以云顶集团 it and view the information that you provide to us through your application portal.  我们强烈建议您不要与任何人分享您的密码.


    Your information will be retained by 本科招生 in accordance with the 适用的保留期 档案管理政策(PDF) 被学院采纳.

    Your information will be destroyed upon your request or after the expiration of the 适用的保留期限,以较晚者为准.  销毁方式应 be appropriate to preserve and ensure the confidentiality of your information given 对学院的敏感性、价值和重要性.

    Your Rights

    You have the right to request access to, a copy of, rectification, restriction in 使用或删除您的信息. 这些权利因法律的不同而不同 “信息”和“敏感信息”产生的地点 or shared.  您的信息的删除也受到学院的限制 档案管理政策(PDF). You also have the right to withdraw consent for the use of your Sensitive Information, which will not affect the lawfulness of the College’s use prior to receipt of your request. 您可以通过以下方式行使这些权利: admissions@edgepointedges.com.

    If your Information and Sensitive Information was created within or transferred from the European Union, you may also be able to file a complaint with the appropriate 欧盟的监管机构.


    我们可能随时更新或更改本政策. 您继续使用本网站后 任何该等更改均表示您接受该等更改.
